By LuAnn Benton
Gem Diego Show Co-Chairman
- Where:
- Liberty Station Conference Center
2600 Laning Road, San Diego, CA 92106
- When:
- Saturday, November 2, 2024 10 am – 6 pm
Sunday, November 3, 2024 10 am – 4 pm
- Admission & Parking:
- Free, with ample parking next to venue.
(Space is limited, so check the criteria for participating!)
- Haulers
- Skirting crew
- Security
- Selling staff (door prize tickets)
- Kids Educational Tables
- Exhibitors
- Demonstrators (everthing lapidary)
- And more!
Show Set-Up:
Fri, Nov 1, 2024
Most volunteers meet at
Liberty Station Conference Center (LSCC)
- 8:30am – Loading Crew meets at storage garage
- 9:00am – Skirting & other Volunteer workers arrive at LSCC
- 10:00am – Unload truck at LSCC, set up cases
- 1:00pm to 8:00pm – Demos, Dealers & Exhibitors set-up
Show Break-Down:
Sun, Nov 3, 2024 at 4:00pm
Loading crew & everyone's help is needed!
Gem Diego is SDMG's Biggest Annual Event. We had a very successful restart in 2023 after a six-year absence. I am very happy to announce Gem Diego is here to stay. The venue in the Point Loma neighborhood at Liberty Station Conference Center was a big hit last year with Dealers, Exhibitors and Showgoers, so we look forward to welcoming everyone back to the same location this year.
We will need a small army of Volunteers to make Gem Diego a success. (We have a reputation to live up to!) Please have a look at the list of activities in the adjacent box, and pick one or more that you can lend a hand with. Here are several ways to volunteer:
- Sign up using one of the sign-up sheets located in the SDMG Casting Room beginning Mon, September 9, 2024.
- If you don't attend workshops but want to help out, please contact the Gem Diego Chair.
- Attend the Show Committee Meetings. The next one is Virtual and will be held on Wed, September 18, 7:00 PM sharp. Contact the Gem Diego Chair for an Evite to attend the virtual GoTo Meeting.
Gem Diego is a fun show. You'll learn a lot, see a lot, and get the chance to visit with friends. You'll be proud of your club and amazed when you see how beautiful YOUR show turns out. We need to get busy now with preparations and ensure that the event will be well-staffed to set up the show on November 1st, cover the floor during the show on the 2nd and 3rd, and then break it all down on the afternoon of the 3rd.

Calling On Our Talented Members
to be Demonstrators
If you have the know-how to make Wire Wrapping, Faceting, Lost Wax Casting, Silver Chain Making, Intarsia, Chasing and Repoussé, or Sphere Making, please consider volunteering to demonstrate your skills at Gem Diego. Please email Itziar Parramon.
We have a few exhibit spaces still available for your displays. You do not have to be a member of SDMG to participate, and exhibiting is free of charge. Private exhibitors also have the chance to win an award for the best showcases.
Download an Application Form
1.) Fill out the app and sign it
2.) e-mail it no later than Sept 29, 2024
(See instructions on the form)

The Jaguar Trophy
This award is presented by the Society President to the SDMG member who enters the most beautiful case of their own work in the club's annual Show. The award was conceived by Ron Willis, our English member, after he visited our show in 1987. He made the trophy for us using English walnut and marble. The first winner was Gloria Dunkel, in 1988, for her lovely channel work jewelry. Will you join the distinguished roster of superior silversmiths, faceters, casters and lapidaries in 2024? Enter your work by contacting the Exhibitions Chair.
John Kruzel's display case of cabochons
won the Jaguar Award at the last Gem Diego Show in 2023.