December Nights, Balboa Park 2017

Reviewed and photographed by Jim Parrish



Angela assisting all the holiday shoppers with a smile.


Alan Bergum volunteered many hours on a hard concrete floor.


The sales booth during a quiet moment.


There was a holiday feel all through the park.


Another December Nights has come and gone. According to the City of San Diego, more than 375,000 people showed up for the celebrations during the two-day event held on Friday, December 1st and Saturday, December 2nd. Although we had thousands of visitors wander through our building and show area, I'm happy to say it wasn't that many.


A vast majority of the material we sold was donations from past and current members. It took many volunteer hours to sort, clean, label, and sell all those rock and rock-related materials.


Set-up of the booth started Thursday afternoon. The group (pictured below) included Angela Cannon, Dave Smith, Garry Cannon, Mike Harlow and Sally and Jim Parrish. Then, from opening on Friday afternoon until closing at 11:00 pm on both days we had Letty Evans, Dave Smith, Jim Parrish, Angela and Garry Cannon, Jill Williamson and Rocio and Alan Bergum all working until their feet were numb.


Some of the 100+ people enjoying the potluck feast.


On behalf of the Society, thank you! What a team! Everyone worked so well together, resulting in a lot of fun. If it sounds interesting to you, let me know, and we can sign you up for next year. There is always room for more.


The museum and shop were packed with visitors and shoppers. All those people touring the shop area created a lot of interest, and we now have some new members to show for it.


A special thanks to all who helped clean and freshen up the museum in the week preceding the event.


Many people helped set up the selling area, potluck zone and decorated the museum in preparation for the big nights. This year we missed Lois Lukasky and Doug Peeler.


Our shop area was kept open by numerous volunteers that included Paul Williams, David Lipson, Bob Hancock, Rich Yarbrough and others.


If I missed someone, I'm sorry and thank you for your time and effort.


We all slept in late on Sunday but still managed to make a showing at the Lakeside show for a couple of hours.


A special thanks to all of you who donated time and materials to make this event such a success.


Happy New Year.




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