In Review
By Jim Parrish

Jim Parrish with niece Maryland Meyer.

Angie Cannon, Darcy Salzl, and Nancy Brescia.
December Nights has once again come and gone. Just like holiday meals, there are hours of preparation, then all of a sudden it's all over and you wonder where it went. Many volunteers – all working long and late hours – make this event happen. SDMG is very fortunate and receives many donations throughout the year. We use them for many educational and beneficial activities. During our December Nights event we get the opportunity to share our love of all things made of rock with the public. The public joins us for great deals on many fine specimens, and we get to educate them.
The museum and shop were packed visitors and shoppers. All those people touring the shop area created a lot of interest, and we now have some new members as a result. Angela and Garry Cannon, Sally and Jim Parrish cleaned the museum and installed new LED lighting. This was followed by a couple of days of cleaning, labeling, and pricing specimens. This was accomplished by Mike Harlow, Jim and Sally Parrish, and Garry and Angela Cannon.
All the usual people helped set up the selling area and the potluck zone. They decorated the museum in preparation for the big nights. The sales booth was operated by volunteers Donna Casey, Doug Peeler, Lois Lukasky, Rocio Bergum, Jill Williamson, Angela and Garry Cannon, Jim Parrish, and two new volunteers, Nancy Brescia and Letty Evans. On behalf of the Society, thank you! What a team! Everyone worked so well together – it was a lot of fun. If it sounds interesting, let me know and we can sign you up for next year. There is always room for more.
Our shop area was kept open by numerous volunteers that included Paul Williams, David Lipson, Bob Hancock, Rich Yarbrough and others. If I missed someone, I'm sorry, and thank you for your time and effort.
We all slept late on Sunday, but quite a few of you managed to still make it to the Lakeside show for a couple of hours. A special thanks to all of you who donated time and materials to make this event such a success.
Happy New Year!