Gem Diego is San Diego's finest gem and mineral show
Coming October 28th and 29th, 2023
to Point Loma's Liberty Station Conference Center
By LuAnn Benton
Gem Diego Show Chairman
THIS YEAR WILL BE THE FIRST GEM DIEGO SHOW SINCE 2017! We are delighted with the new venue. The Liberty Station Conference Center (LSCC) is located on Laning Road one-half block north of Harbor Blvd. and the harbor bay in the Point Loma neighborhood. The picturesque harbor setting is a popular tourist destination with great restaurants and eateries. Nearby is the Liberty Station artists' district and Market.
Show Venue, Dates & Times
- Where:
- Liberty Station Conference Center (LSCC)
(Not Liberty Station Food Court or Market)
2600 Laning Road, San Diego, CA 92106
- When:
- Saturday, October 28, 9:30am – 5pm
Sunday, October 29, 10am – 4pm
- Admission & Parking:
- Free.
- Downloads:
EXHIBITORS, DEMONSTRATORS, SELLERS, and VOLUNTEERS are installing on Friday, October 27 Gem Diego. San Diego's best Gem & Mineral Show features high-quality Gem and Mineral Dealers selling gemstones, minerals, beads, jewelry and much more! Demonstrations include faceting, jewelry-making and lapidary carving. Gem and Mineral Identification will be provided free of charge, and there are door prizes and a Grand Prize Raffle on Sunday afternoon. (You do not have to be present to win.)
We've been planning for months. Thanks to the Exhibitors, Dealers, Demonstrators and Volunteers who are pitching in to make Gem Diego the best show ever.

8:30am · Hauling Crew meets at storage garage
9:00am · Skirting Volunteer workers arrive at LSCC
10:00am · Remaining set-up crew to report at LSCC
10:00am · Approx. time Hauling crew arrives at LSCC

Demonstrators' Showcase at Gem Diego
Our Talented Members will be demonstrating at Gem Diego. They will be showing how to do Wire Wrapping, Faceting, Lost Wax Casting, Silversmithing (without torch), Intarsia, Chasing and Repoussé, Rock Carving and Sphere Making.

The Jaguar Trophy Award,
Door Prizes, and Grand Prize Raffle
This year, SDMG President Dave Smith will present the Jaguar Trophy and Pin on Sunday, October 29, 2023 at 2:15pm. This special trophy is awarded to the person whose exhibit is judged best overall. The criteria requires that the winner personally will have made everything in their case. Following the Jaguar Trophy Award, the Exhibitors Chair Nancy Arthur–McGehee will present the People’s Choice Awards for the best three showcases. Nancy will pass the baton to Door Prizes Chair Terry Thomas, who will start drawing tickets for the many Door Prizes waiting to be claimed. The day will end with the drawing for the Grand Prize Raffle, a large Amethyst Cathedral donated by SDMG President Dave Smith.
Winners do not have to be present to win, but please note that it's important to put your name and phone number on your ticket. If you plan to buy a lot of tickets, you can write your complete contact information once on a master list and then just write your full name (as it appears on the master list) on each ticket. If you’re not present at the drawings on Sunday afternoon, winning ticket holders will be notified the following week to pick up their items from The Village Silversmiths located at:
1770 Village Place, 92101
in the SDMG building, adjacent to Spanish Village in Balboa Park
open daily 11am – 4pm